Rainbow Writing: How to Write a Book

  Rainbow Writing: How to Write a Book F24
  6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  Perkiomen Valley High School:Room 135
  Pamela Aloia

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Have you been thinking about writing a book for a while and either keep procrastinating or come up with reasons not to? Are you inundated with the prospect of making the time, being committed, going through the tedious steps, and making the right decisions or connections to complete the project? Do you wonder who would be interested in what you have to say? Stop the spiral of second guessing and bring yourself into alignment with the joy and expression of writing your own story. Sure, there is a lot to think about when writing a book, but it's all attainable and inspiring. With some planning and knowledge, you can decide how to best write your book and everything that goes along with it. Join us for a workshop that covers some of the major pitfalls people face when writing a book – from getting started, writers block, to the logistics of book size, release, and marketing. This individual or group workshop is geared towards people new to the idea of writing or publishing a book. We'll discuss ways to keep yourself moving forward and staying aligned with the essence of your message throughout the entire process. *For ages 18 and older*